AR 4D coloring book, vibrant 4D paintings, unique AR invitation cards.
D Virtual Reality Coloring Book is a hot technology educational product in the US and around the world. In Vietnam, few people have the opportunity to access. Unlike regular coloring books, this type of coloring book can be “transformed” into a real 4D image after 100% can move and communicate with users through an application. Use on phones or Tablets.
Currently there are some sets of 3D cards sold, only the display function, no coloring.
In the US, virtual reality coloring books have been sold for a long time, especially the brand Color alive. But the price is expensive, limited support, features only per color.
In Vietnam some units have imported to sell this product, but limited.
4D Kolorfun virtual coloring book is the first product in Vietnam, with all the features of the two types above and some other outstanding features. Is an excellent product of Vietnamese talents 2017
Augmented reality technology for making AR Books, AR Invitations, and AR Pictures:
The application of augmented reality technology is the difference and the highlight of these new products. Users will experience new product features, effects, and expressions with new technology instead of traditional forms.
In order for AR products and projects to be good, developers need to be thrifty and devoted.
VRTECH JSC is a company specializing in Augmented Reality Cards – AR Invitation Cards, Virtual Reality Pictures and AR Books
Usage Trends and Market 4D virtual reality coloring book, 4D AR paintings, very wide 4D cards
Demand for 4D Virtual Reality Coloring Books, vibrant 4D paintings, unique 4D cards. Not only because of the novelty, originality, vividness but also technology, stimulating creativity.Children are able to color, play, interact with the characters they have just painted.
Unique 4D paintings for exhibiting and exhibiting in a new style. That appeal and appeal can serve a variety of purposes.
Such an art exhibition may also apply to a new representation that complements the old ways. The advertising campaign will have more new, attractive and attractive tools to deploy. Media from now on also has new ways of attracting people.
Education and vocational training can eliminate the situation of vegetarian learning, practice and experience …
Unlike the traditional model, virtual reality 4D cards are creating excitement and new craze. Both the giver and the receiver were surprised by this unique product.
4D Coloring Book Kolorfun is one of the best products of Vietnam Talents 2017.

Most realistic augmented reality company _ VRTECH JSC
4D virtual coloring book, 4D paintings, 4D cards is increasing according to the technology trend. Products are spreading rapidly among young people because of the attractiveness and novelty of technology. Vrtech specializes in virtual reality in all fields, in addition to the field of 4D virtual reality coloring books, 4D paintings, 4D cards. We are also the leader in the field of virtual reality and augmented reality content development in Vietnam.
Virtual reality technology in training – Experiential education 4.0
Subjects that require a lot of practice, up to now are full-time vegetarian or limited practice due to different conditions such as material, chemicals, time can now be easily accessible, even practice a lot. times:
Learners experience real, interactive, memorable, and effective experiences through simulations of real environments like laboratories in chemistry, biology, physics, even history lessons will have a new way of teaching, more effective.

Augmented reality in education _VRTECH
Practical subjects such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry will stop studying vegetarian, thanks to virtual reality
Students can see how the elements are composed, merged and separated.

Augmented reality in practical experience subjects
When learning history will become more vivid, easier to remember …
Students will see the universe appear before their eyes, can feel and interact.
Currently Vrtech is the first company to apply virtual reality to education, experience education products. Education 4.0 has been implemented in different schools, receiving many positive feedbacks.
Education 4.0 is a breakthrough new way of teaching coconut in technology and connection. Innovating the most effective, economical and attractive way of teaching is the virtual reality application in education that we are deploying.